For Indian residents, businesses and NRIs

Personal Tax Planning

Indian taxes can be tedious for Indian residents as well as NRIs. ADEPTALLY helps you in tax planning, managing tax compliances and notice responses. Find out more about our services below!
Photo by Nick Hillier on Unsplash

Indian taxes are not just about return filing after the year end. Indian residents, businesses and NRIs also need to make sure of the following:

  • There are no unintended tax consequences of your property related and other transactions
  • Tax liability is properly optimized by claiming all applicable tax deductions, exemptions and rebates
  • Taxable income is properly planned leaving no scope for an unforeseen tax shock

We at ADEPTALLY are adept at helping people tame this tax beast. Check out our services in the domain of Personal Tax Planning!

  • Transaction Advisory: Want to sell that house property but are worried about the tax on capital gains? Have made short term capital losses and don’t know how to deal with it? You would find our transaction advisory services extremely helpful.
  • Deductions Planning: If you are someone who wants to pull all stops to ensure that no tax deduction remains unclaimed, we are here to help. We can handhold you in the process of planning annual deductions, maintaining proper documentation and preparing a deductions summary.
  • Return Filing: Be it a salaried individual, a sole proprietor, or a partner of a firm, we can support anybody’s Income Tax return filing requirements with ease!

  • Passive Exempt Income Planning: The last thing a professionally prospering individual with a 30% tax slab needs, is taxable interest or dividend. If planned in time, we can help you systematically increase your exempt income over a few years, keep your passive taxable income constant, and avoid that extra tax stick!

  • Custom Tax Planning: Because you are unique, so are your tax needs. You tell us how we can help you get your personal tax affairs in order, and we will take it forward from there!

For pricing and inquiries, Contact us or WhatsApp us